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Worlds Without End Blog

2023 Bram Stoker Award Winner Posted at 8:00 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Bram Stoker Award The Reformatory

The Horror Writers Association have announced the 2023 Bram Stoker Award winners. The winner for Superior Achievement in a Novel is:

Our congrats to Tananarive Due and all the nominees.

See the complete list of winners in all categories at Locus.

What do you think of this result?

2024 Locus Awards Finalists Posted at 8:27 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

The finalists for the 2024 Locus Awards have been announced. Here they are for the novel categories:

The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport A Fire Born of Exile Red Team Blues Furious Heaven Translation State The Terraformers Starter Villain Lords of Uncreation System Collapse The Road to Roswell

Locus Science Fiction Novel:

To Shape a Dragon's Breath The Keeper's Six Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries Dead Country The Water Outlaws Paladin's Faith He Who Drowned the World My Brother's Keeper City of Last Chances Witch King

Locus Fantasy Novel:

Vampires of El Norte The Reformatory A Haunting on the Hill Starling House How to Sell a Haunted House Don't Fear the Reaper A House With Good Bones Lone Women Silver Nitrate Black River Orchard

Locus Horror Novel:

Promises Stronger Than Darkness The Making of Yolanda la Bruja Damned If You Do A Song of Salvation The Library of Broken Worlds The Sinister Booksellers of Bath Into the Light Divine Rivals The Siren, the Song, and the Spy The Spirt Bares Its Teeth

Locus Young Adult Book:

Chain-Gang All-Stars The Strange The Saint of Bright Doors Threads That Bind These Burning Stars Godkiller The Marigold Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon Some Desperate Glory Ink Blood Sister Scribe

Locus First Novel:

For the complete list of noms in all categories check out the official press release from Locus. Our congratulations to all the nominees!

What do you think of these lists? Any surprises? Any favorites?

2024 Arthur C. Clarke Award Shortlist Posted at 2:27 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Chain-Gang All-Stars The Ten Percent Thief In Ascension The Mountain in the Sea Some Desperate Glory Corey Fah Does Social Mobility

The shortlist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award for best science fiction novel for 2023 has been announced:

The winner will be presented with a check for £2,024.00 and the award itself, a commemorative engraved bookend on July 24, 2024. For more information, see the Clark Award website.

So what do you think of this lineup? Which is your pick to win?

Ex Libris WWEnd: I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin Posted at 8:00 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of DoomI’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin
St. Martin’s Press | September 24, 2024

A standalone darkly humorous thriller set in modern America’s age of anxiety, by New York Times bestselling author Jason Pargin.

Outside Los Angeles, a driver pulls up to find a young woman sitting on a large black box. She offers him $200,000 cash to transport her and that box across the country, to Washington, DC.

But there are rules:

He cannot look inside the box.
He cannot ask questions.
He cannot tell anyone.
They must leave immediately.
He must leave all trackable devices behind.

As these eccentric misfits hit the road, rumors spread on social media that the box is part of a carefully orchestrated terror attack intended to plunge the USA into civil war.

The truth promises to be even stranger, and may change how you see the world.

Praise for Jason Pargin and “Black Box”:

“A road trip through America that is equal parts hilarious and terrifying. Jason understands humanity better than most, and it’s inspiring that his diagnosis is ultimately optimistic.” ― Daniel O’Brien, Senior Writer, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

“I was hooked from the first page. If I’m honest, from the first sentence or two. Jason has a rare gift for delivering High Weirdness coated in a sticky layer of real life, deeply relatable shit that forces you to see yourself in whatever weirdo or maniac he introduces. It’s a rare gift, but he’s got a lot of those. You should read this book.” ― Robert Evans, Host of Behind the Bastards

“Jason Pargin’s curse is a brain that can make sense of what we’re all living through. His gift is an ability to take the key elements — paranoia, screen addiction, deep loneliness, fear of the end times — and hocus-pocus them into a comic thriller. Illuminatus! for an even weirder time, and with much cooler cars.” ― David Weigel, national political reporter, Semafor

“Jason Pargin has a unique grasp on all the ways our relationship with information technology has warped our brains and our society as a whole. This latest work is a fun, socially relevant, and propulsive work of satire. Well, mostly satire: The way its characters fabricate dangerous narratives out of whatever information they can access is terrifyingly true to life. I felt personally called out a dozen times and I loved every page of it.” ― Matthew Kitchen, Editor, Chron

Jason ParginJASON PARGIN is the New York Times bestselling author of the John Dies at the End series as well as the award-winning Zoey Ashe novels. He previously published under the pseudonym David Wong. His essays at and other outlets have been enjoyed by tens of millions of readers around the world.




2024 Aurora Awards Finalists Posted at 1:25 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Aurora Awards The Valkyrie Bad Cree Silver Nitrate Moon of the Turning Leaves The Marigold

The 2024 Aurora Awards finalists have been announced, celebrating the “best works and activities done by Canadians in 2023.” The nominees in the Best Novel category are:

Locus has the list of finalists in all categories.

Our congrats to all the nominees. What do you think of this list? Anything there look good to you?

2024 Prometheus Award Finalists Posted at 8:00 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

prometheus Award Theft of Fire Swim Among the People God's Girlfriend Lord of a Shattered Land Critical Mass

The Libertarian Futurist Society has announced the finalists for the 2024 Prometheus Award, honoring pro-freedom works published in 2023.

Our congrats to all the nominees. What looks good to you on this list?

2023 Aurealis Awards Finalists Posted at 6:17 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

The finalists for the 2023 Aurealis Awards have been announced. The nominees in the SF, Fantasy, and Horror novel categories are:

Aurealis Science Fiction Minds of Sand and Light The Comforting Weight of Water Aliens: Bishop Dronikus Time of the Cat Traitor's Run


Shadow Baron The Will of the Many The Sinister Booksellers of Bath Of Knives and Night-Blooms The Blood-Born Dragon How To Be Remembered


Borderland When Ghosts Call Us Home The Graveyard Shift Some Shall Break Cretaceous Canyon Bunny


See Locus for all the nominees in all categories.

Winners will be announced at the Aurealis Awards ceremony in May.

Guest Post: L. Ron Hubbard Presents: Writers of the Future, Volume 40 Posted at 8:00 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future: Volume 40

The month of April is half finished, and I suspect I’m not the only one wondering how a month could rush by so fast. Whether we are busy with work, family, or creative endeavors it seems there is little time for recreation, and the time we do have is easily sucked away by less intentional sinks, like the exhausted scroll of social media, so while I have been anxiously awaiting the latest Volume of Writers of the Future, I admit I was reticent and slow to start reading my ARC copy. I knew it would be good based on past volumes, but my fatigue and the demands of my ever-refilling list of projects held me back. Once I dug in and started reading, however, it became effortless, and more than that, I couldn’t stop, had no desire to stop, and instead let the stories flow over me like a tidal wave of wonder.

The first story I read, from somewhere in the middle, was a science-fiction offering, Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbon Fiber by James Davies, featuring a dystopian world both unique and painfully familiar. Another time, another planet where those that have are few, and those that have not are many. To get by and survive, dire sacrifices must be made. I connected with it so viscerally, that I wept reading it, and yet, I felt uplifted at the finish. My appetite for story now sharpened to a fine edge, I read the first story in the volume, The Edge of Where My Light is Cast by Sky McKinnon. I found myself gripped by the heart and pulled along on a journey that was as human as it was strange, a cat that was the formless computer-generated rendering of a lost pet’s personality and so much more than that—Science fiction at its best, the kind that connects to what makes us human and inspires us to new heights of wonder. I held my breath, I cried, I made little sounds of dismay and worried I’d wake my sleeping teens upstairs and they’d find me with tears streaming down my face and a smile of awe on my lips.

Volume 40 isn’t just the delightful diversion that we all need between work and more mindless play, it is a gift. Inspiration, adventure, comfort, depth, excitement, and wonder, crafted and pulled together by the best debut authors writing today under the mentorship of our old and oh-so-dear favorites. I said it last year and I say it again with renewed certainty, Volume 40 is the most inspiring Writers of the Future anthology to date. It features twelve stories by the winners of Writers of the Future 2023 plus four bonus stories by best-selling authors, all illustrated by winners of the Illustrators of the Future contest.

Cover art detail for Writers of the Future, Vol. 40

Starcatcher (detail) by Dan dos Santos

Now for the good news, Volume 40 is up for preorder now and there are preorder bonuses at this link: Preorder here. Preorder bonuses include early access to audio and ebook copies of a Volume 40 story, wallpaper for desktop and phone of the V40 cover art, and other ebook treats. The release date for Writers and Illustrators of the Future Volume 40 is May 7th so you’ve no time to lose and little time left to wait!

Writers and Illustrators of the Future anthologies are an invaluable resource for readers as a means to finding stories, novels, and whole worlds in fresh new voices from around the globe. Each volume is diverse thanks to a blind judging process and the judges’ commitment to bringing us stories from multiple perspectives and styles of writing. While the stories in volume 40 have depth and complexity, they are suitable for sharing with middle-grade readers. Volume 40’s cover image is graced by a moonlit sorceress amid the tusks of mammoths. The artist sets a tone of mysticism that feels unbridled by time or genre. In an age of AI saturation, this masterful art is human-made as are the lush illustrations inside.

Writers of the Future Trophies For authors and Illustrators, volume 40 contains articles on story and illustration craft written by industry professionals and an even more useful tool, the stories themselves. I have learned more reading the winning stories of Volume 40 than any craft book and highly recommend reading Volume 40 cover to cover if you are looking to improve your skills, especially if you are looking to win Writers and Illustrators of the Future.

If you want to springboard your writing or illustrating career, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contest has more to offer aspiring authors and artists than any other contest, with zero entry fee, prize money, and a professional publication in your name. Each winner participates in a book signing, award ceremony and gala, and a week-long training and mentorship from industry professionals like Jody Lynn Nye, Kevin J. Anderson, Bob Eggleton, Echo Chernik, and so many more greats including two new judges (congratulations to them both) Mark Leslie Le Febvre, and Hugh Howey. The official website has an easy-entry submission portal with the contest rules and guidelines. On the website, there is a forum of over 10,000 writers and illustrators where you can find support for learning about, entering, and winning the contest. The website has a free online writers training course on the fundamentals of short story writing.

The Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contest creates a unique training ground for authors and Illustrators with clear deadlines and goals—four quarters a year to enter and four opportunities to win. If you write or illustrate, don’t self-reject. Enter and see what happens. You’ll either win, get close, or learn what it takes to win and improve along the way.

By CL Fors

CL Fors

CL Fors lives and breathes stories in multiple mediums: the written word, illustration in watercolor, acrylic, digital, and ink, and the creation of custom jewelry and other artifacts of story. She is an artist with a myriad of interests and experiences that inform and flavor her writing and illustrating. A multipotentialite, mother, author, and adventurer, CL is a science and science-fiction enthusiast with a passion for research based sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction in general.

CL’s debut novel, Cradle of Mars, is the first installment of the Primogenitor series and is releasing with a shiny new cover on April 20th (available for preorder now). The second, third, and final books in the series are all available on Amazon and will be getting new covers soon.

CL just won Illustrators of the Future for Quarter one, Volume 41. If you’d like to see her non-fiction work, she also writes science articles and short stories and has articles published at Genetic Literacy Project and Midwifery today Magazine. To explore CL’s writings and illustrations check out her Website:

Or subscribe to her newsletter at Epitome Press

Writers of the Future Quick links:

Social media links:

2024 Philip K. Dick Award Winner Posted at 12:39 PM by Dave Post

Dave Post

Philip K. Dick Award These Burning Stars The Museum of Human History

The winner of the 2024 Philip K. Dick Award for distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2023 in the USA is:

These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs (Orbit)

Special Citation was awarded to The Museum of Human History by Rebekah Bergman (Tin House)

The PKD Award was presented at Norwescon 46, March 28-31. Our congrats to the winners and all the nominees.

2023 BSFA Award Winner Posted at 8:00 AM by Dave Post

Dave Post

BSFA The Green Man's Quarry

The British Science Fiction Association has announced the winners of the BSFA Awards for works published in 2022.

In the Best Novel category the winner is The Green Man’s Quarry by Juliet McKenna (Wizard Tower). Our congrats to Juliet McKenna and all the nominees:

See the winners for all categories over on Locus. What do you think of this result?