Spin Control

Chris Moriarty
Spin Control Cover

Spin Control


I liked this book without really understanding what was going on. Like most books in the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction, the concepts usually lose me. I guess I just don't have the mind for them. It's kind of like being a luddite while working in the computer industry, which I am, and in which I do. Still, I really liked reading this book. The prose was terrific. It was very readable. My problem though was that the author threw around a ton of jargon that I only partially comprehended. This is the second book of a series, though it's not a direct sequel to the first. Still, I wonder if I would have understood more if I read the first book, or if I would have simply stopped at the first book if it had the same complexity of this one. I read this because it is on the Worlds Without End LGBTQ Spec. Fic. Resource, having been nominated for a Gaylactic Spectrum Award in 2007.

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