The City, Not Long After

Pat Murphy
The City, Not Long After Cover

The City, Not Long After

Ann Walker

I would never have expected a book about a post-pandemic San Francisco to be so radiantly beautiful. Set about eighteen years post-pandemic, the rough edges of heartbreak and fear have been rounded by the joy of survival, the beauty of the rewilding world, and the determination of survivors to make their city a place of beauty and healing. Of course, there is a serpent (isn't there always?), and the second half of the book deals with the determination of the San Franciscans to protect their city from a brutal invader. (If you loved watching the Ewoks fight off the Storm Troopers, you will love seeing how this battle plays out.)

Here I also have to give a shout-out of Thank you! to my public library's County Hoopla app, a treasure trove of lesser known works. I would never have read this otherwise, and I would have been all the poorer for not.