The Einstein Intersection

Samuel R. Delany
The Einstein Intersection Cover

The Einstein Intersection


Wow, I'm really not sure what I just read. Fortunately, I've read about it, so that helps. I generally really like Delany, so even with his weird, experimental, and new wave works, I try to stay open to the experience. This book was a little tougher for me than his others, even Dhalgren. It was a retelling of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth, and my understanding is that it was heavily influenced by the film "Black Orpheus". Though I've not seen the film, I am familiar with the myth, so I had that as a basis. There was also a Minotaur-like scene and even a Jesus and Judas thread. Picking out the elements of the myths was fun, but the prose was pretty difficult. I would say this book falls in the category of the new wave of SF which was dominant at the time of its publication. This book won the Nebula Award for 1967 and was nominated for a Hugo in 1968.

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