Empty Space

M. John Harrison
Empty Space Cover



I liked everything I've read by Harrison so far: Light, Nova Swing, the 2017 short story collection You Should Come With Me Now, and his latest 2020 novel The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again. I liked it a lot. And I plan to read a whole lot more of Harrison too.

But I stopped reading Empty Space at 60% in. Not that it doesn't have merit. The novel got glowing reviews on Speculiction and A Sky of Books and Movies. Paul Kincaid has called the entire trilogy "the most significant work of science fiction to have appeared so far this century" in the LA Review of Books. I can see why, but no -- more on that later. On a sentence level, Harrison is a master, a poet. On a scene level, he manages to evoke much -- technically he's brilliant. The same goes for the emotional level: he is an expert in painting characters with only a wee bit of language.

But besides all that, I have come to realize the particular game Harrison plays in this particular novel simply does not interest me. For me, there was not enough story, and too much meta-puzzle.

Maybe I've overdosed on postmodern deconstruction at university? Then again, that was over 20 years ago. And I'm still interested in these matters. I'm still interested in the politics & epistemics & metaphysics & biology of representation and language. I agree with Harrison that we should be aware of the artificiality of our fictional entertainment. But I'm not sure if Empty Space works as a political-poetic manifesto.

I will look into some of these matters in the remainder of this text -- not so much a traditional review, but an essay using interviews and reviews to ponder this particular branch of literature & art.


Full review on Weighing A Pig Doesn't Fatten It
