The Way of Kings

Brandon Sanderson
The Way of Kings Cover

The Way of Kings


I don't know where to really start. This is the longest book I have read in a long time. It took me forever, not because I am a slow reader or lack of interest, I just didn't have the time to devote. Needless to say, it was still very much worth the read.

The world building, character development, total imagination is incredible. The world building rivals TGOT even though it is completely different. I like the concept of shardblades and shardplate and soulcasting and stormlight lends themselves to worlds of magic.

This book draws you in and makes you yearn to know what is next. There lies the problem. Tackling a series like this is daunting and emotionally draining. I just went through over 1000 pages and the story is not near complete. I will read the rest of the available series, but not anytime soon! I need a break!