Forever Knight

Susan Sizemore
Forever Knight Cover

Forever Knight: A Stirring of Dust


This is a decent book, based on or after season 3 of the show. The characters come across fairly well, and like the series, the story is largely told in flashbacks.

The specific villain is unlike many from the show and his actions work. His entrance (the Stirring of Dust) really calls the show canon into question. Besides that quibble, the sword seems to come and go, and isn't really a part of the character. Nick's actions in the final showdown make sense, but perhaps something ended up in the editor's bin.

This sounds more negative than positive, and I'll come back to this being a decent book, better than many show tie-ins I've read. 3 goodread stars - I liked it.

This is the fourth in a TV Tie-In reading challenge, and I managed to grab books from four different television shows. I've got more planned, but the year is just about up. I'll have to use them for next year's challenge!