City of Truth

James Morrow
City of Truth Cover

City of Truth


A story of a world forced to tell the truth. There are some interesting flaws in the story, where truth is avoided or unknown, but expressed as truth anyway. Most of my enjoyment of this work was in noticing these little flaws.

The author's implication is that truth is completely objective and immutable, and of course, this is not the case. To have such a society one would have to be much more constrained about what one declares as truth. Heinlein did this much better in Stranger in a Strange Land by the use of truth tellers who were extremely pragmatic and observational about what they knew to be true. This author allows characterrs to state as truth what they believe to be true, which in the end is not much diffferent from out current world.

It is a fun read all the same, but don't expect anything deep or lasting from the story's message.