Rainbows End

Vernor Vinge
Rainbows End Cover

Rainbows End


Multiple realities

So there is one reality where an author has an uncanny ability to tap into the most salient features of some really complex issues. In Rainbows End, Vinge reminds us how well he capitalizes on our most deep-rooted fears and our most lofty scientific achievements. In beginning this book, I had figured Rainbows End for another goldmine of Vinge-y, SF goodness...but I didn't labor under that delusion for long.

I was excited by the opening computer/chemical warfare plot. I was reminded of the cyber-attacks on nuclear facilities in Iran going back a couple of years and I thought Vinge might have been preparing to go bigger. I was strapping myself in for Vinge's brand of ultra-paranoia. It harkened to the message boards in A Fire Upon the Deep and man...I ate that stuff up.

In the first chapter, "Mr. Rabbit visits Barcelona" (Sweet title. I loved it), Vinge was poised to capitalize on how compelling and/or dangerous the convergence of several technological advancements could be in a world where anonymous access is taken to just about every extreme, and I was ready to follow him wherever he wanted to go.

Taken separately, individual elements of Vinge's future were awe inspiring, but the other reality of Rainbows End is that as these elements come together and the story starts to drag on and on, the final product doesn't seem equal the sum of its parts.

I almost think this is worse than having just written a story that falls flat altogether. Vinge touches on all the right topics and sets himself up for a home run, while everyone is batting blindfolded. Instead of just striking out, as authors do sometimes, in Rainbows End, Vinge lets go of the bat and injures some unsuspecting kid in the stands hoping to catch a foul ball. And I think I might have been that kid, because this one left me confused.

While I admit to exclaiming audibly at the coolness of this or that bit of tech or social construction quite frequently, I didn't much enjoy the overall story. Tension? Not so much. Compelling characters? Nope. Cool world, but there was never any reason to be in it.
