Tome of the Undergates

Sam Sykes
Tome of the Undergates Cover

Reminiscent of Dice and Grid Paper


Tome of the Undergates follows the story of 6 adventures, directly out of your typical Saturday night D&D group. You have a warrior, priest, ranger, barbarian, mage, and rogue each with their own very typical personalities and roles in the group.

Part of me read this story and remembered back to various campaigns I've been in. Every encounter seems like a near death experience, as if the DM had it in for this party.

The humor and seemingly endless supply of intense battles, set this book up to be a fun, if rather shallow, read. I found that by the end of the book, I was really wondering how the characters had progressed or changed since the beginning, and what their goals and aspirations were as the author set up for the sequel.