The Invisible Man

H. G. Wells
The Invisible Man Cover

Deserving of its "Classic" Title

Deven Science

H. G. Wells is known as one of the founders of the science fiction genre as we know it, and this book just justifies that status to me.

The novel is told in a similar style as his War of the Worlds, that is, as if some time has passed since the event, and what we're reading is an account of the tale using several sources to complete it, as if it's told by a journalist. It admits to holes in the account, but rarely questions the various sources reliability.

The thing that I most enjoyed was the language used. The prose never seemed outdated to me, more it seemed as if the teller of the tale (as well as some of the main characters) were all well educated people, with the gift of gab. Much of what comes out of the characters mouths, most particularly the invisible man himself, is almost poetic in its rhythm.

The account follows chronologically from the moment a stranger wrapped head to toe in clothing and bandages appears at a lodge seeking quiet refuge, to the reveal of his condition, to him turning to violence, being sought for various crimes, and the panic that travels through the local area as the tale spreads. Only when the invisible man meets someone from his past does he reveal his name, and tell of the events that transpired to bring him to the situation he now finds himself.

From mysterious beginning, to tragic end, the novel is well worth the read. I rate it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.