The Salmon of Doubt

Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt Cover

The Salmon of Doubt


The Salmon of Doubt is a collection of Douglas Adams' writings gleaned from his hard drive by his friends and family and published after his untimely death. If you are an Adams fan, I'm sure you will enjoy this.

I heard the audiobook version which started with eulogies from some of his notable friends. Most of the book is essays and musings written in the nineties, some of which are clever and amusing. Adams had a penchant for electronic devices, computers and gizmos and he wrote copiously about such things. Unfortunately they are quite a bit dated, being from two decades ago. He would have loved smart phones and iPads.

There are two works of fiction towards the end of the book. The first is an inane story having something to do with spaceship beings and lobsters. (This is the only science fiction in the book, and I use that term advisedly.) The second is The Salmon of Doubt, a story with Adams' character Dirk Gently, an inept private detective. It wasn't particularly good.