Pawn of Prophecy

David Eddings
Pawn of Prophecy Cover

Pawn of Prophecy


I am not a great fantasy fan, but wanted to try some famous titles in the genre, but have to admit being a little disappointed in this book. I am sure back in the eighties when all the well-worn fantasy tropes were still new-minted I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has engaging characters a fast paced plot and is a fair page-turner, but there isnt a great deal today to differentiate it from all the others. Also I had expected this to be written for adults, and was occasionally puzzled by the almost simplistic style. Now I see it is claimed as a YA novel, though was it meant to be classed so back in the early 80s? I think I have read too many books of this type lately(Robin Hobbs Assassin's Apprentice, Raymond Feist's Magician, and Terry Brooks Sword of Shannara), and am perhaps too old and jaded to appreciate Eddings. Perhaps I will give it a year or two before trying more of the series. Have to admit too that having recently been blown away by Susan Cooper's extraordinary The Dark is Rising, I would find most fantasy a bit lacking!