The Brothers Lionheart

Astrid Lindgren
The Brothers Lionheart Cover

The Brothers Lionheart


The main determining factor in whether you adore this book or think it's just okay seems to be whether you first encounter it as a child or an adult. What's particularly noteworthy is that most of the people who read it as children continue to love it even on later rereads. Sadly, this was my first time reading the book, so I couldn't share the joy.

The premise--two young brothers go to a Norse-inspired afterlife--is interesting enough, but I wasn't very impressed by the execution. I found the plot both rambly and inorganic, with long and lovingly described stretches in which nothing happens broken up by oddly repetitive events that propel the story in a new direction; there's a strong "But our princess is in another castle!" element to the narrative. Also, the Big Bad who's revealed at the end of the story is completely anti-climactic.