
Veronica Roth
Divergent Cover



I am so disappointed! I had been really looking forward to this and I'm now feeling furiously cheated! It started out seeming a bit simplistic, but I was willing to allow that in a young adult novel; yet then instead of getting richer, of developing the themes, it just got more and more childish and even cartoonish. The love interest/sexual attraction is handled with a naivete I wouldn't have expected from a typical middle-schooler. (Oooooh he touched me on the knee! Ohhh I'm so confused, what am I feeling?) The idea of humanity being divided into five camps was interesting (if highly derivative of J.K. Rowling's sorting hat) yet instead of exploring the ramifications she simply crams her people into flatter and flatter characterizations. By the end of this I was completely disgusted! And now what am I supposed to do with the rest of the books in this series that are sitting on my bedside table?!