francesashton - 2014-05-18 1:38 PM You know the "all women authors" page with the alphabetical order and the pictures all sorted by real name? Can we have one of those for the male authors as well? I'd find it really handy. I don't think we'll be making an all male authors list but we do have plans to improve our All Authors page. Right now we have so many authors that the page is becoming a bit unweildy. The plan is to go to the big author pics like we have on the All Women list and alpha paginate it like we do with the Series List. Of course we're missing a ton of author pics but the updated author list will show us which ones we're missing so we can make a big push to fill the gaps.
We built the All Women list expressly for the Women of Genre Fiction reading challenge where the goal was to help folks find women authors to read and also to help them see in a really obvious way how many women authors they've read or not read as the case may be. We're keeping the list because it can still be a useful tool to challenge our members to read more women. There are a few updates we need to make to the current All Women page to make it more useful. The sorting needs a bit of tweaking still and we want to split it into 2 lists. At the top will be an alpha sorted list of "Women Authors I've Read" and underneath it will be and alpha list of "All Other Women Authors". The idea is the division will bring it home in a visual way how many women there are that you haven't read yet. And for those trying to read more women they can easily track their progress by how many rows they have in the top list. And they can set a visual goal to "fill in another row by the end of the year" or "get to 48 women read by December" etc. I can see the utility in having an all male authors list but with the women's list we're sending a message about reading more women. We want to keep the message clear and an all men list would muddy things up a bit I think. I hope that makes sense.