Uber User
Posts: 857
Location: The Wilds of Washington | I've been stewing over a change to the My Reading List I'd make/like to see/think would be useful. Right now it's only color coded between works just on the list and those one is reading. Why not use the color coding more effectively? I'd allow a user to color code his/her reading list into at least four different categories.
1: I want to read this book, and I own this book. (I can read it anytime category.)
2: I want to read this book, and I will buy it to read. (This work is important enough to me to spend money on it category.)
3: I want to read this book, and my library system has it. (I want to read it, but I don't care to spend money on it category.)
4: I want to read this book, and my library system has to order it for me. (This is the planning ahead category since it takes awhile [at least around here] for the library to do a special request.)
I would think something like this would be useful. One could tell at a glance if your next read is on a shelf at home, the bookstore, or the library.
And yes, this does come from micromanaging very small budgets for categories one and two.
And, of course, if one could click on the "print the books in category two" link before one headed out to, say, Powell's in Portland, that would help too.