SFF Bookstores
Posted 2008-08-02 11:25 PM (#1423)
Subject: SFF Bookstores


Posts: 4025
Location: Dallas, Texas

we've just added a Bookstores section to our resources pages that you folks should check out.  we've got a list of specialty book stores that deal only/primarily in Science Fiction and Fantasy books!  these are some kick butt shops and should you be lucky enough to have one in your neck of the woods, run, don't walk, and buy your books from them!

if you know of any brick and mortar stores that we've missed please let us know and we'll add them to our list.  we're looking for independent bookstores with a physical location, not online shops or comic stores that happen to sell a few SFF books.

one sweet example of what we're talking about is Borderlands Books in San Fran.  i've not been myself but Rico has and he took this cool gigapan of the place.   if you've not seen gigapan before it's a massive pic that you can zoom way in on for more details.  click a few of the snapshots to see what i mean.  you can even read the book spines.  pretty cool.

man, i wish those guys were in Dallas!  the proprietor, Alan (abeatts in the forum), is a member here so you can ask him any questions you might have.  be sure to visit his website for more details!

- dave


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Posted 2014-11-12 12:37 AM (#8863 - in reply to #1423)
Subject: Re: SFF Bookstores


Posts: 10
This is great for new authors like me!
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