Finished Pick and Mix
Posted 2014-03-30 8:19 PM (#6783)
Subject: Finished Pick and Mix
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Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA

Below is my list of Pick and Mix books with the lists they represent. I was lazy with providing lists for books on many, many lists.

The Clockwork Man E. V. Odle (The Classics of Science Fiction)

Some of Your Blood Theodore Sturgeon (Horror Writers Association)

Red Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson (Lots of Lists)

The Telling Le Guin (Books by Women)

The Giver Lois Lowry (Banned; Most Read)

The Sword of Rhiannon Leigh Brackett (SF Mistressworks)

The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov (Banned; Guardian)

Vathek William Beckford (Guardian)

The Illustrated Man Ray Bradbury (Classics; NPR)

Solaris Stanislaw Lem (Classics; Guardian; Easton)

The Handmaids Tale Margaret Atwood (lots)

Hyperion Dan Simmons (lots)

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