The Deep

Nick Cutter
The Deep Cover

The Deep


Read September 2017

I read The Troop by Nick Cutter earlier this month. I really enjoyed this book so I got the only other book by Nick Cutter my digital library had. I was in love with 99.8% of this book.

Most of this book is a glorious romp through a throwback horror tale. I was wallowing in the gore and the creep factor in the story. It was simple but rich in character and atmosphere. There was a built-in sense of building terror in the story. Who is not creeped out by being trapped in an enclosed space with a faceless killer? But then the last chapter.

Mr. Cutter destroyed that simple (but not simplistic) masterpiece by trying to slap on a convoluted and unsatisfying ending. It was like he tried to put a M. Night Shyamalan ending to the story. I'm still giving the book 4 of 5 stars, but if it had only ended one chapter sooner..............