Exiles at the Well of Souls is the second novel in the Well of Souls series, and the first of a two novel sub-series about a war on the Well of Souls world starring Mavra Chang, a female criminal James Bond type character. These novels have a wonderful blend of fantastical creatures that are in a science fictional setting of the Well world. It is a lot of fun seeing all the types of creatures that Chalker throws together especially once the war is underway. Moth creatures, centaurs, snake-men, abominable snowmen, frog-men, and intelligent bees are just a few of the races on the Well world, a creation by the ancient Markovians that attempted to uplift a variety of creatures to see if they could do better than the ancient race did. Lots of interesting ideas, but a fairly predictable plot which is why I gave this novel 3 and a half stars. Definitely a fun read and a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy.