The Ordinary

Jim Grimsley
The Ordinary Cover

The Ordinary


This book takes place in the same universe as Kirith Kirin, though it is not a sequel. It has some of the same strengths as its predecessor and suffers from some of the same faults. Specifically, its prose is outstanding, but too much so. In place of suspense and emotional depth, we get paragraph after paragraph of wordy world-building. It becomes a snooze-fest. It's a shame, because the concept of the book is inventive. There are two worlds on a distant planet joined by a portal. The two worlds are very different: one is based on science and has developed from an Earth colony ship, and the other is based on magic and seems to have been there forever. Unfortunately, it's just not gripping. Nonetheless, the book was nominated for the Gaylactic Spectrum Award, and like its predecessor, it won the Lambda Literary Award.

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