The Boy on the Bridge

M. R. Carey
The Boy on the Bridge Cover

The Boy on the Bridge


This book have been on my TBR list since April of 2017. It pains me a bit to admit that I was very underwhelmed by this book and if the epilogue was removed from the book, this would have been a 2 star review at best. The bald face truth is that 98% of this book is just a retread of the first book in the series, The Girl With All the Gifts. I very much enjoyed this book and this story, but not enough to reread it with a different title...... But then, along come the epilogue and my mind is blown! All the repetitiveness of this second book can be forgiven because understanding the journey the characters in the book take is needed for the impact of the epilogue to be completely effective. I can not think of a way of explaining this epilogue without major spoilers, so I am not going to try.

Body of the story 2 stars

Epilogue 4.5 stars

overall review 3 stars