Dead Reckoning

Rosemary Edghill, Mercedes Lackey
Dead Reckoning Cover

Dead Reckoning


I'm not sure if this book was intended as YA, but it had a very YA feel. I think the characters were all teen-agers (or at least were written like they were.) This was an utterly acceptable book. It's got a little of everything that would appeal to a younger readder - three non-threatening "outsider" protagonists, the merest whisper of puppy love, upbeat conventional feminism, some superficial/unprovocative insights on the Civi War from the perspetive of Southern civilians (that somehow utterly sidesteps issues of slavery), gentle reminders about the harsh treatment of Native Americans, and a Scooby Doo mystery involving only slightly scary zombies. I enjoyed it while I read it and promptly forgot almost everything about it, but wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to a YA reader.