Galileo's Dream

Kim Stanley Robinson
Galileo's Dream Cover

Galileo's Dream



Galileo's Dream shows two main things about science, and both have to do with science as a weak force.

The first weakness is the fact that science still hasn't grasped reality in full. The book is a call for epistemic humility, and, while a love song to reality and trying to understand reality with our senses and our rational powers, it is also a love song to the ultimate mystery & unknowability of reality.


The second weakness is science's inadequacy to deal with power and politics.


So indeed, science is no miracle worker, and this novel isn't perfect either. At times it drags a bit, and its quirkiness won't be for everyone. But again Robinson shows to be a humanist, writing insightful about characters and reality and feelings and history and being alive. Even though "consciousness is solitary", via his books -- truly a coherent oeuvre if ever there was one -- Robinson manages time and time again to share something of real value.

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