Blood Music

Greg Bear
Blood Music Cover

Blood Music


It is quite evident that the author consulted with a lot of experts on cellular biology and related issues for the book. It is also obvious that the author ignored a lot of the science and advice given to allow the plot to progress the way he wanted.

Readers not versed in such topics may be impressed by the quality of the transformations described in the book, but a deeper understanding reveals massive and fatal plot holes which fatally wound the story, leaving only a fever dream instead of a story founded in biology and transformative genetics.

The characters are none too impressive either: a sociopathic genetic cellular researcher, a organization leader who can't decide if he wants to save the world or surrender to the reality described. There are even several minor characters who have survived only to be lured into the irresistable destiny. These latter are not even partily explained why they survived when the continent and all it's physical structures were transformed, but the author isn't interested in this problem.

And worst of all, a world devouring plague that overhwhelms all of human kind and all human structures is somehow limited by an air/sea gap between its continental presence and the rest of the world. Pelagic birds, migrating sea creatures, drifting sea flotsam, even evaporation and precipitation of cells makes this isolation utter nonsense.

It is well that it did not win any of the nominations that it didn't deserve in the first place. Turn off your brain to enjoy this, or just read something better.