Flowers for the Sea

Zin E. Rocklyn
Flowers for the Sea Cover

Flowers for the Sea


I found it fitting that Cassandra Khaw was chosen to recommend this book. This reminded me of her writing, dark, poetic, women oritined, and weirdly creepy with good fantasy implimentes. I had a lot of fun with this, I didn't like it when things got dreamy. I never do and didn't think it added much to the plot. But the actual storyline was a ton of fun to follow. I thought the revenge scene would be a bit more graphic and horrifying. But I can't complain about the ending I did get. Unease was something I felt most of the novella and I think that was intended.

It was a fast read and I think the author nailed the MC. As with Khaw, I think I can only handle this in small doses, but the small dose I got from here packed quite the punch.