Sour Candy

Kealan Patrick Burke
Sour Candy Cover

Sour Candy


Injustice: lack of fairness or justice. A word that describes exactly what I felt for most of the book. Outright rage that our main character was dealt such a crappy hand for what seems to be just bad luck. But it's what makes this novella stand out, for as I love to say, books that make you feel things strongly are the best ones and Sour Candy did a FANTASTIC job with it. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down.

If you love paranormal and creepy kids, the kind of horror that drives characters insane, and strong emotional connections, you need to read this horrific novella.

The prose is simple but effective, giving just enough to feel intelligent without the overcomplication that authors sometimes resort to. And the storytelling is truly so creepy that I was waiting with baited (and most assuredly not sour) breath to see what the next pages would bring.

- If everyone around you is telling you you're crazy when would you belive them?
- Is there any definitive thing you think would have a high likelihood of driving you insane or do you believe that to be all but impossible?