Vin is lucky. There are two types of people in the world, skaa and nobleman. She is half of each and therefore relentlessly hunted by the Lord Ruler, but not only has she not been caught yet, but she has managed to be make herself useful to the leader of a thieving crew because she can literally store up her luck and spend it at opportune times. This situation is the seed of an adventure that will end at the top of a tower with all revealed. Sanderson doesn't drag out the secrets of his world to reveal in the course of an endless series ::cough:: George RR Martin ::cough:: nor is he afraid of decisive action, making this book extraordinarily satisfying.
Mistborn has worldbuilding (oh, the worldbuilding!), characterization, great action scenes, and room to grow. I have heard people say that this book (like every book) has its flaws, but if they are there, I didn't see them.