
William Gibson
Neuromancer Cover



At the risk of sounding like a dummy, I won't pretend I understood everything that happens in Neuromancer. At least, not all by myself. This is the kind of book that would benefit from an abridged version for its less computer-literate readers. In my case, an occasional Googling of terminology* and, upon my completion of the story, a cursory read of an online summary, aided in my comprehension of this complex and trippy novel. I would recommend this approach for any future readers who do not subscribe to Wired magazine.

It's not that the plot is particularly genius – there are other things going on that are genius, but the plot is not one of them – it's just that so many elements are only alluded to, with the expectation that the reader make some pretty wild assumptions, and there were a few leaps I completely missed. I appreciate that level of trust in a relationship between author and reader, but Mr. Gibson did baffle me at times. Click the link below to see my full review!