The Way of Kings

Brandon Sanderson
The Way of Kings Cover

The Way of Kings


The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson

After reading all five volumes of David Eddings' Belgariad back to back, I swore I'd never read any more epic fantasy. And then came GRRM and A Game of Thrones. Since I really enjoyed that one, I thought I'd try The Way of Kings as the final book for the Gemmell Award Challenge. I am glad I did. The world building is incredible. There is so much detail, but it's never overwhelming. True to form, there are a lot of characters, but chapters tend to mainly deal with four or five. This is obviously the first book in a series, so no plot threads are tied up, but the storylines of Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar are all very interesting. I will definitely read the second book, Words of Radiance.