The Bees

Laline Paull
The Bees Cover

The Bees


This is an amazingly weird and creative voyage into a completely alien mindset; but it was so alien that at times I couldn't really empathize with or connect with the character. There might be hints here of explorations of totalitarian government, of religious autocracies, of indelible caste systems, but again, with such an alien mindset, how can any of this be applicable to humanity? At times it was oddly and wonderfully interesting and at other times it felt somewhat mechanical, just a hair away from non-fiction, (and apparently much of it is based on complete fact.). I can see how some, with more interest in the subject, might be fascinated with how she has created a novel out of biology. Some people might want to call this science fiction, because of how brilliantly she explores such alien minds, others would say that anthropomorphizing bees is simply fantasy, interestingly though, it is fiction almost completely based on science (which might be called "fiction/science"?) (I also think it could be described as Watership Down meets 1984.)