Flowers for Algernon

Daniel Keyes
Flowers for Algernon Cover

Flowers for Algernon - A painful look into the mirror


This book holds up a mirror to humanity - showing how we can be cruel and prejudiced animals through relationships - whether parent/child; brother/sister; work colleagues; social friendships and educational elitism

Not an easy read then and on the face of it rather bleak - but the story is very engaging especially since the lead character is a different person sometime for the better somethime for the worse paragraph by paragraph.

It also has a very interesting philospohical outlook. If one cannot avoid the inveitable is it better to be cursed by intelligence - thinking about the imminent and wasting time avoiding it or is it better to be innocently naieve - able to live in the moment and not spoiled by the future?

This book is wrongly titled as a Sci-Fi classic. It is a classic of the written word. There is much less 'fantasy' pretext in this novel than many other classics.

A must read for all for the benefit of humaity. Recognise yourself in the characters and the story and then change yourself for the better.