Ink and Steel

Elizabeth Bear
Ink and Steel Cover

Ink and Steel


Ink and Steel is the third book in Elizabeth Bear's Promethean Age series. It's the first part of a tightly linked duology set in Elizabethan England, with Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare as our view point characters. It opens with Marlowe's death, but given his presence as a character in Whiskey and Water (set some 400 years later) it comes as no surprise that this isn't the last we've seen of him. He's "rescued" by one of the Queens of Faerie - Morgan - and while he is still alive, he can't leave Faerie for long, so as far as the world of the living goes he might as well be dead. But Marlowe has no desire to give up his ties to the world just yet.

The Shakespeare strand of the story begins with him still in shock from the news of his friend's murder, and learning that Marlowe had been part of a secret society - the Prometheus Club - sworn to protect England and her Queen. Marlowe's plays had been a part of their protections, there was a magic in them to nudge events along in the right way. And now William Shakespeare is being asked to step into that role, and to start moving in a world of politics and intrigue. Made even more difficult by the fact that Marlowe's murder implies a traitor within the Prometheus Club.

Click the link below to read the rest of my review!