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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Rosemary Edghill

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Last Updated: gallyangel

Rosemary Edghill

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Full Name: Rosemary Edghill
Occupation: Writer, Editor
Nationality: American


Rosemary Edghill also writes under the pen name of Eluki Bes Shahar

Rosemary Edghill is a prolific writer in several genres, under her own name and various pseudonyms. Her Bast books, witty mysteries featuring a Wiccan amateur detective, were collected in Bell, Book, and Murder. She has also written Regency Romances and fantasy novels, including several collaborations with Mercedes Lackey (Spirits White as Lightning and Mad Maudlin) and Andre Norton (Shadow of Albion and Leopard in Exile).

Edghill lives in upstate New York with several cats and several Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, which she shows in obedience competitions.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Bedlam Bard

 4. (2001)
 5. (2001)
 6. (2003)
 7. (2005)
 8. (2019)

 Carolus Rex

 1. (1999)
 2. (2001)

 Shadow Grail

 1. (2010)
 2. (2012)
 3. (2013)
 4. (2014)