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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Emma Newman

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Last Updated: valashain

Emma Newman

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Full Name: Emma Newman
Born: August 2, 1976
Cornwall, England, UK
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: British


Emma lives in Somerset, England and drinks far too much tea. She writes dark short stories, post-apocalyptic and urban fantasy novels and records audiobooks in all genres.

Her debut short-story collection From Dark Places was published in 2011 and 20 Years Later, her debut post-apocalyptic novel for young adults, was released early 2012. The first book of Emma's new Split Worlds urban fantasy series called "Between Two Thorns" will be published by Angry Robot Books in 2013. A year and a day of free short stories set in the Split Worlds are available at

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Industrial Magic

 1. (2017)
 2. (2017)


 1. (2015)
 2. (2016)
 3. (2018)
 4. (2019)

 The Split Worlds

 1. (2013)
 2. (2013)
 3. (2013)
 4. (2016)
 5. (2017)

 The Vampires of Dumas

 1. (2025)

 Wild Cards Stories

 22. (2022)