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Veronica Hollinger
Full Name: |
Hollinger |
Born: |
Occupation: |
Associate Professor, Writer |
Nationality: |
Canadian |
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Veronica Hollinger received her BA from Marianopolis College in Montreal, and then went on to Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK) for a Masters in Education. She completed the MA and PhD at Concordia University .
Her background in theatre arts has influenced her work on postmodern theatre and on theories of performance and spectacle. These interests have also helped to shape her research and writing in the areas of literary science fiction and speculative fiction. She is especially interested in the theoretical and imaginative constructions of hybrid and artificial subjects in technoculture, and in how such theories and fictions are influencing current developments in artificial intelligence and robotics.
As co-editor of the journal Science Fiction Studies, past vice-president of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, and author of many articles, she has an international reputation in the field of science fiction studies. Her work has focused in particular on feminist and cyberpunk science fiction, as well as on the theoretical implications of postmodernism and posthumanism for science fiction as a popular genre. She is the co-editor of five scholarly collections: On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles from Science Fiction Studies (SF-TH, 1992); Blood Read: The Vampire as Metaphor in Contemporary Culture (U of Pennsylvania P, 1997); Edging into the Future: Science Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation (U of Pennsylvania P, 2002); Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction (Liverpool UP, 2008); and Parabolas of Science Fiction (Wesleyan UP, 2013).
She also co-edited a special issue on Chinese science fiction for Science Fiction Studies (March 2013) and, with her SFS co-editors, completed The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (Wesleyan UP, 2010), an extensive collection of short stories designed for use in university and college courses.
Veronica Hollinger is a past chair of the Cultural Studies Program and past Director of Trent's MA Program in Theory, Culture and Politics.
Works in the WWEnd Database
Non Series Works |
(2008) |