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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Cynthia Ward

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Cynthia Ward

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Full Name: Cynthia Ward
Born: Oklahoma, USA
Nationality: American


Cynthia Ward was born in Oklahoma and lived in Maine, Spain, Germany, the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, and Tucson before moving to the Los Angeles area. A 1992 graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop, she has sold stories to Asimov's SF Magazine, Bending the Landscape: Horror, and other anthologies and magazines. Cynthia's reviews appear regularly on and, and irregularly in other websites and publications. She is working on her first novel, a futuristic mystery tentatively titled Stone Rain.

Cynthia writes the monthly "Market Maven" market-news newsletter. She is the new Market Reporter for the SFWA Bulletin, the official magazine of Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

With author Nisi Shawl, Cynthia teaches the workshop Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Differences for Successful Fiction.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 On Writing

 6. (2005)