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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Sharon Green

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Sharon Green

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Full Name: Sharon Green
Born: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation: writer
Nationality: American


Sharon Green (born 1942) is an American writer of science fiction, fantasy and romance. Green began her writing career in the 1980s.

Green's early works were marketed as similar to the books of John Norman's Gor series, but were intended as a rebuttal to them. Green has said that she set out first to lampoon Norman's Gor books, by creating three-dimensional female characters and powerful female characters in similar fantasy settings.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 The Blending Enthroned

 1. (2000)
 2. (2001)
 3. (2002)

 The Blending

 1. (1996)
 2. (1997)
 3. (1998)
 4. (1999)
 5. (1999)

 Far Side of Forever

 1. (1987)
 2. (1989)

 Jalav, Amazon Warrior

 1. (1982)
 2. (1983)
 3. (1984)
 4. (1985)
 5. (1986)

 Terrilian Sequence

 1. (1982)
 2. (1983)
 3. (1984)
 4. (1986)
 5. (1988)