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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Elizabeth Lim

Added By: Slinkyboy
Last Updated: Slinkyboy

Elizabeth Lim

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Full Name: Elizabeth Lim
Occupation: writer, film & video game composer
Nationality: American


Elizabeth Lim grew up on a hearty staple of fairy tales, myths, and songs. Her passion for storytelling began around age 10, when she started writing fanfics for Sailor Moon, Sweet Valley, and Star Wars, and posted them online, but after one of her teachers told her she had "too much voice" in her essays, Lim took a break from creative writing to focus on not flunking English.

She grew up in Northern California, with a brief stint in Tokyo, but now lives in New York City with her husband and their daughter.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 The Blood of Stars

 1. (2019)
 2. (2020)

 Six Crimson Cranes

 1. (2021)
 2. (2022)