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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Taran Hunt

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel

Taran Hunt

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Full Name: Taran Hunt
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: American


Taran Hunt spent her childhood writing stories about unicorns until Battlestar Galactica, K. A. Applegate's Animorphs, and Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe turned her head. She got her degree in physics at Cornell University, studying weird exoplanets and the abstract elegance of math. After graduation she returned to her first love: storytelling. She works in theatre in New York City, where she lives with her partner and their increasingly round cat. She spends her limited free time weaving, making chainmail, and learning every language Duolingo has to offer.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 The Kystrom Chronicles

 1. (2022)
 2. (2025)