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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Saraciea J. Fennell

Added By: Slinkyboy
Last Updated: Slinkyboy

Saraciea J. Fennell

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Full Name: Saraciea J. Fennell
Nationality: Honduran American


Saraciea J. Fennell is a Black Honduran American writer, founder of The Bronx is Reading, and creator of Honduran Garifuna Writers. She is also a book publicist who has worked with many award-winning and New York Times bestselling authors. Fennell board chair for Latinx in Publishing as well as on the Advisory Board of People of Color in Publishing. She lives in the Bronx with her husband, family and black poodle, Oreo. Her nonfiction anthology WILD TONGUES CAN'T BE TAMED is available wherever books are sold. Her next book is the horror anthology THE BLACK GIRL SURVIVES IN THIS ONE co-edited with Desiree S. Evans.

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