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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Adrian Tchaikovsky

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Last Updated: valashain

Adrian Tchaikovsky

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Full Name: Adrian Czajkowski
Born: June 14, 1972
Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, England, UK
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: English


Adrian Tchaikovsky was born Adrian Czajkowski in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, before heading off to Reading University to study psychology and zoology. This served as natural preparation for a career in law, and he has worked for several firms in the field of civil litigation, both in Reading and now in Leeds. Married, he is a keen gamer, including tabletop, online and live-action. He has trained in stage fighting, and is currently a member of a Leeds-based chapter of a KDF/European Historical Combat Guild group practising western historical martial arts. He is best known for his fantasy series, Shadows of the Apt, and keeps a blog at where many more stories set in that world can be found.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 After the War

 1. (2018)

 Children of Time

 1. (2015)
 2. (2019)
 3. (2022)

 Dogs of War

 1. (2017)
 2. (2021)

 Echoes of the Fall

 1. (2016)
 2. (2017)
 3. (2018)

 The Expert System's Brother

 1. (2018)
 2. (2021)

 The Final Architects

 1. (2021)
 2. (2022)
 3. (2023)


 6. (2013)

 Made Things

 0. (2019)
 1. (2019)

 Shadows of the Apt

 1. (2008)
 2. (2009)
 3. (2009)
 4. (2010)
 5. (2010)
 6. (2011)
 7. (2011)
 8. (2012)
 9. (2013)
 10. (2014)

 Tales of the Apt

 1. (2016)
 2. (2017)
 3. (2018)
 4. (2018)

 Terrible Worlds: Destinations

 1. (2019)
 2. (2021)
 3. (2023)

 Terrible Worlds: Revolutions

 1. (2008)
 2. (2020)
 3. (2022)

 Terrible Worlds: Transformations

 1. (2024)

 The Tyrant Philosophers

 1. (2022)
 2. (2023)
 3. (2024)