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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2014-12-13 4:33 PM (#9016 - in reply to #9015)
Subject: Re: 2014 Read the Sequel Reading Challenge
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Extreme Veteran

Posts: 539
Location: Great Lakes, USA
controuble - 2014-12-13 11:37 AM

I like your Finish The Series idea - I have plenty of those laying around, too.

What would you consider something like the Wee Free Men series that is actually inside the Discworld series? Is there a number 1 to that? And what do you do about series that aren't finished being written? How do you 'finish' that?

I thought of this when I found out there was a third book in the Cadwall Chronicles and a 12th book in the Dorsai series. I had no idea those books existed until I was browsing this site. I also have read the first 3 of Kage Baker's Company series and wanted somewhere to put the rest if I was going to keep signing up for challenges. To make it easy, I thought it would be a challenge to work on finishing any series you've already started. That means I may have one book from the Cadwall Chronicles, one from the Dorsai series, two from John Barnes' Century next door series, three from Neal Asher's Agent Cormac series, 6 from Kage Baker's Company series, the last four books from Peter Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy (that trilogy has 6 books in it) and the last two from Peter Watts' Rifters Trilogy (somehow that trilogy has four books in it). That's more than the 12 books that the challenge would require. So, any combination would count. I don't like sitting down and reading book after book of the same series in a row. I have to read something else between volumes.

I haven't read any Discworld books, but if the Wee Free Men is a subseries, they would fit in this challenge as Discworld books. There's so many of those that if someone wanted to, they could read 12 Discworld books for this challenge. I consider the series finished if I have read all the books currently published. The author could get hit by a bus tomorrow and never finish it, or it could take ten+ years for someone else to finally finish it (what happened with Dorsai #12 or what I am afraid will happen with GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire series).

Sound good?

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