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World Made Entirely of Diamond
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Posted 2011-08-25 4:43 PM (#2595)
Subject: World Made Entirely of Diamond


Posts: 35
I remember reading Arthur C. Clarke's 2001 series and I believe he mentions this in 2010, maybe 2061 but probably not in 3001. What am I talking about? That the core of one of the planets (Jupiter) or its moon was made entirely of diamond. This was a while ago so I do not remember the specifics but basically one of the planets blows up and there is a gigantic chunk of diamond blasted onto one of the neighboring moons.

Well there is a story today that scientists have discovered a world made up mostly of carbon and it is so dense that portions or entire continents are made of diamond. What a spectacular site that must be. I guess it's probably not polished and cut to make it shiny-shiny but we could launch a mission to take care of that.

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Posted 2011-08-28 7:30 PM (#2611 - in reply to #2595)
Subject: RE: World Made Entirely of Diamond


Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA
actually when i read this article i thought about diamond asteroids in A Deepness In The Sky 

Edited by hihik 2011-08-28 7:31 PM
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Posted 2011-08-28 8:41 PM (#2614 - in reply to #2611)
Subject: RE: World Made Entirely of Diamond


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

hihik - 2011-08-28 7:30 PM actually when i read this article i thought about diamond asteroids in A Deepness In The Sky 

Thank you!  I was racking my brain trying to think of where I'd read about diamond asteroids.  Our universe just keeps getting stranger and stranger.

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