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Daredevil Season 2
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Posted 2016-03-18 8:03 PM (#13012)
Subject: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
Watched the first episode of Daredevil season 2 today on Netflix. Season 1 was great (although the end felt a bit rushed) and season 2 is off to a strong start. The first episode contains a lot of one of my favorite elements of the show: the growing bond of friendship between Karen, Foggy, and Matt. Also, there's a power vacuum in Hell's Kitchen; who will fill void? And it turns out Daredevil's not the only one cleaning up the streets, but the new guy uses much different methods. (We all know who it is, he's all over the posters, but I won't spoil it anyway, just in case.) The fight and action choreography that I grew to love in season 1 is still stellar in this first episode. Some intense action taking place. Anybody else watching DD? Are you devouring it all in big gulps in one or two sittings, or are you parceling it out in smaller doses? I'll be watching one or two episodes a day for the next week and a half or so. I'm very excited to see where this new season's story will take us.
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Posted 2016-03-18 10:53 PM (#13014 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: RE: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas
Loved the first season and I just finished with episode 1 of the new season.  Picked up right where the last one left off -- great story, great acting and great fight scenes.  I'm going to try not to binge this one but episode 2 just started in my other window and now I have to watch it...
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Posted 2016-03-19 3:22 AM (#13020 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
I think Netflix was nefariously clever when it added the auto-start feature. Despite my best intentions of limiting my TV watching, after I'm settled in and comfy, that auto-start can lead me far down the binge-watching rabbit hole. Good luck in your non-binge efforts!
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Posted 2016-03-19 10:52 PM (#13031 - in reply to #13020)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

JohnBem - 2016-03-19 3:22 AM I think Netflix was nefariously clever when it added the auto-start feature. Despite my best intentions of limiting my TV watching, after I'm settled in and comfy, that auto-start can lead me far down the binge-watching rabbit hole. Good luck in your non-binge efforts!

I've been a victim of the auto-start feature many times!  Last night I watched the second ep and it was a good one too.  Tonight I watched 3 and 4 and holy drek episode 4 was great!  I'm not going to try and fool myself anymore.  I'm going to be done in a few days.  I have rather mixed feelings about that fact. 

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Posted 2016-03-22 1:14 PM (#13053 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 17
Location: Oslo, Norway
JohnBem - 2016-03-19 3:22 AM

I think Netflix was nefariously clever when it added the auto-start feature. Despite my best intentions of limiting my TV watching, after I'm settled in and comfy, that auto-start can lead me far down the binge-watching rabbit hole. Good luck in your non-binge efforts!

i can relate to that.

Im on episode 4 now, and loving it. This is the best Punisher i have seen on screen (not that it says a lot..), he really really dark and disturbed.
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Posted 2016-03-22 7:54 PM (#13055 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
I watched episode 4 with breakfast this morning, and I agree with you guys, Administrator and Fluke 71, that it is excellent. I've never been a big fan of the Punisher, but Jon Bernthal is portraying the most nuanced and complex Punisher I've ever seen or read. Holy cow, that monologue he delivered in the graveyard, a masterpiece. It takes Punisher out of the realm of hyper-realized vigilante cardboard character and imbues him with a true depth of emotion and human feeling. I actually felt kind of bad for the poor guy, something I'd never thought I'd say about Punisher. I was hoping I'd be further down the road with my watching by now, but the real world will intrude. I hope to be finished by the end of the weekend. I'm especially excited to see what unfolds with the character who was brought in at the end of episode 4.
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Posted 2016-03-28 5:58 AM (#13094 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 17
Location: Oslo, Norway
Ok, so now i finished season 2, what a series! I cannot recommend this enough. For me this is the best superhero comic book adaptation i have ever seen on any screen. I loved Nolans Batman, but a multi season TV series goes so much deeper into the characters. TV has come a long way since sitcoms and crime shows (if you look away from the reality tv plague).
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Posted 2016-03-28 8:01 PM (#13099 - in reply to #13094)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
I've made it through episode 8 so far, and I'm enjoying season 2 even more than season 1, which I loved. Elodie Yung is well-cast as Elektra. I think she and Charlie Cox have excellent on-screen chemistry. I'm not as familiar with Daredevil as I am some other comic book properties, but I gotta say I'm with Fluke71, this is one of the best. TV is definitely as good as, and often better, than movies these days.
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Posted 2016-03-30 6:47 AM (#13108 - in reply to #13099)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

I've been a bit busy these days and haven't gotten back to this thread.  I ended up binging the series over the course of about a week.  Every episode had a great cliffhanger leading into the next so I never could watch just one.  I thought it was very evenly excellent across the whole series - no throwaway episodes.  And only one scene where they completely threw me out of the show - I'll call that a momentary lapse of judgement by the producers.  I'm guessing you know which scene I'm talking about as it was very singularly awful.

My biggest complaint overall is the notion that Karen can't put 2 and 2 together when she's met DD and Matt shows up with cuts and bruises all the time after she can't reach him all night etc.  It's very much against her character to be so incurious as to who DD is in the first place and she's proven to be very clever at piecing other parts of the story together.  I'd rather she had figured out who he was on her own than have to be told but the reveal was nicely done at least.  I mean Frank figured out who he was in the courtroom and he didn't even want to know.  Thank goodness we can get a whole new season without having to maintain her being clueless.

And speaking of the next season I think they've set things up very nicely for it.  We all want more Kingpin and it looks like they want to give us a lot more.  The good guys know who everyone is now so that will be an interesting dynamic and Karen's job should be a good fit while Foggy's new job has disaster written all over it - though it should lead to some interesting crossovers which they worked in well this season.  It will be interesting to see if Punisher is in the next season.  I've heard they want to do a spin-off series for him.  I can't decide which I'd prefer to be honest.  Clearly that's the most interesting and nuanced Punisher ever but is there enough there to support itself?  Half of what make DD awesome is the great relationships with his support characters.  Can't really do that with a lone wolf character like Punisher can you?

Anyway, great great season and I can't wait for more.  I think I might actually re-watch season 2 in the mean time.  Never expected to want to do that.

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Posted 2016-04-01 2:40 AM (#13116 - in reply to #13108)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
I've still got 3 episodes to go. Episodes 9 and 10 in particular blew me away. I didn't read your spoilery post, but when I'm finished I will and compare notes. I am very excited to see how things wrap up.
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Posted 2016-04-01 4:25 AM (#13117 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 17
Location: Oslo, Norway
Administrator, yes, clueless characters is kind of frustrating, especially when the series portray characters in a more psychologically realistic way. But i guess in the superhero world that the norm. Worst of them must be the Superman/Kent situation. And YES to more Kingpin and Punisher.

JohnBem, i wish i had 3 unseen episodes. Or i could edit out the memory in my brain
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Posted 2016-04-06 7:27 PM (#13186 - in reply to #13117)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
After some unanticipated delays, I've finally finished Daredevil season 2. I thought it was very good indeed, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

***This post may contain POTENTIAL SPOILERS for DD season 2***

Admin, I can't think which scene you might be calling "singularly awful." Could you give me a hint?

I've never been a huge fan of the Punisher, but I liked this iteration of the character. I agree with Admin that this was a nicely nuanced portrayal. However, I don't think I'd want to see him in his own show. I think he works better as a secondary character, as a point of contrast with Daredevil.

I did like how we got Kingpin and Punisher and Elektra all in this season. It was jam-packed with great characters!

I'm not too bothered by Karen not figuring out Matt's secret identity. Who would really believe that a blind person could do all of the amazing and dangerous things that Daredevil does?

I'm excited about Foggy's new job because it has amazing crossover potential. Perhaps we'll see Foggy in the Luke Cage show coming up in September. I really liked Luke in Jessica Jones and am very excited about him starring in his own show.

But back to Daredevil. Just great storytelling overall, from down-to-earth crime drama to magical ninja weirdness, this season really contained a lot of different themes and tones and character development, yet I didn't think it was overstuffed at all. It was just right.

Edited by JohnBem 2016-04-06 7:28 PM
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Posted 2016-04-06 10:31 PM (#13191 - in reply to #13186)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

JohnBem - 2016-04-06 7:27 PM  Admin, I can't think which scene you might be calling "singularly awful." Could you give me a hint?


The scene I'm referring to is during the hospital fight with the ninjas.  When the nurse gets thrown out the window and DD jumps out, catches up on the way down, grabs her, throws out the grapnel and they swing into the downstairs window.  Just so bad.  And mind you, I'm willing to forgive the army of ninja's and many other borderline ridiculous stunts in the show.  That one was just too far for me.  It didn't help that it looked fake on top.

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Posted 2016-04-07 3:43 AM (#13194 - in reply to #13191)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2


Posts: 83
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
Yes, I remember that scene. To tell you the truth, it didn't bother me very much at all.
It was typical super-hero stuff and didn't come off as problematic to me.
I think that, for whatever reason, when it comes to super-hero stuff, I'm more forgiving than I might be with other types of stories.
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Posted 2016-06-18 12:11 PM (#13813 - in reply to #13012)
Subject: Re: Daredevil Season 2

New User

Posts: 3
Location: Germany
I'm a little bit late for the discussion but since all the people here seemed to like the second season I want to give my somewhat different opinion.

Some Spoilers ahead!

First, I really really liked the first season, without question one of the best, if not the best, comic adaptions in Film and TV.
This, in part, is due to the great overall story arc which enfolds over the episodes and thats what I missed deeply in the second season.
The second season instead of providing a strong story is much more focused on action and too many little plots which are loosely connected but do not add up to something as strong as in the first season.
They tried to introduce and build several characters or entities over the season: the Punisher, Electra, the Hand, the Blacksmith (who turns out to be a rather lame villain). On top of that they show how Wilson Fisk rises as King Pin in the prison, give some more background information about Stick and have to deal with the development of Foggy, Karen and, of course, Matt.
JohnBem said earlier that he thought that the season was " [...] jam-packed with great characters!", I would say it was overcrowded which in the end meant that there was not enough time to really do all characters justice and at the same time have a appealing story arc.
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