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Random quote: We will not know our own injustice if we cannot imagine justice. We will not be free if we do not imagine freedom. We cannot demand that anyone try to attain justice and freedom who has not had a chance to imagine them as attainable. -- Ursula Le Guin (The Wave in the Mind)
- (Added by: gallyangel)

Our reads in January 2025!
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Posted 2024-12-31 12:54 PM (#30690)
Subject: Our reads in January 2025!

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Best wishes of the season,hope you got some reading goodies over the holidays..
I am doing a challenge over on my SF group over on Librarything to read at least one book or short story from each year of my life so far,1948 to 2025. Intended to do the whole list this week,but unfortunately mixing with the family over Christmas landed us both with horrendous colds. Its as much as I can manage to feed us take our meds,and shuffle around coughing sneezing.and feeling weak as a kitten. Hence just watching brainless TV.Or once I get Mr Dusty settled I have a terrible weakness for gruesome nordic crime.Usually about 8-10 episodes long. I could probably read at least one.maybe two books in that time,but with all the didstractions of xmasplus health issues I just havent been in the right mood..
This year I will be using that invaluable list,''Books Published by Year.''.
Chosen for 1948
Robert A Heinlein - Space Cadet (R)
John W Campbell - Who Goes There.(R)
A E Van Vogt - The World of Null A(R)
Kuttner and Moore - The Mask of Circe
{R}= reread
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Posted 2024-12-31 4:31 PM (#30694 - in reply to #30690)
Subject: Re: Our reads in January 2025!

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 574
Location: Great Lakes, USA
I love the idea of reading a book from every year of my life. Perhaps I will try that.

Also glad to hear that the Pick N Mix challenge will be back for this year. It's a great place to put the books that don't fit in any other challenge. Or to keep track of the birth to current year books.

I just finished Rainbows End and am currently reading a nongenre book I got for Christmas by a local author. I have Bloodless by Preston and Child to read next. Otherwise, I haven't decided what I will read this month. I will think about that tonight as it was raining and is now snowing. Icy roads tonight, so I will be staying home to ring in 2025.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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