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Random quote: If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. - Albert Einstein
- (Added by: Engelbrecht)

Resource for Younger Readers
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Posted 2010-12-14 11:53 PM (#2263)
Subject: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 7
I started reading Science Fiction after college. I have since read almost all the Hugo, and Nebula winners, there full series and many more. Now my children (10 and 14) are asking for recommendations. I can remember the books I like, but I cannot remember if there are risque topics in them.

Does anyone know of a good resource that describe parent comments for books? Something like IMDB, where it says the types of potential issues, allowing you to decide what is a good idea or not.

I am not a prude, there are a lot of topics some parent might object to, that think my kids are mature enough to handle, I just want a reminder to help me decide.

For example, remember the Gateway Series by Pohl, great books, neat ideas, concepts, adventurous, good daydreaming content, great for kids right. Wait wasn't it a bit melancholy? That's probably fine. Swearing? I'm okay with that, others might not be. How about those long rides in cramped quarters, I remember they referred to various multi-partner sexual content. Was it explicit or just mentioned? I just don't remember.


-Thanks in advance
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Posted 2010-12-15 12:04 AM (#2264 - in reply to #2263)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 7
Oh, and just to head off one line of thinking. I am not looking for a book list for young readers. There are many of those.

Also not looking for the Parental Rating System like MPAA.

Something more like IMDBs Parent Guide. For example the Matrix has these comment.

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Posted 2010-12-15 6:59 PM (#2265 - in reply to #2264)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Hey Dave,

Great topic and one that I'm in need of help with myself.  My oldest is 10 and I want to start introducing her to SF/F.  She has shown some interest in the books around the house and in WWEnd but most of my books are not going to cut it.  We're reading Narnia together but she likes to read on her own mostly so I won't be there when a book goes places I'd rather she not go right now.

I did some searching on the net for what you're talking about but really didn't find much.  The closest I found was on a site called Family Fun Together .  They have an article with flags for things like sex, language and violence etc.  Not a lot of books in the list but worth a look see.

A couple other links that look like they might be of interest:

I hope that helps.  Anybody else got any ideas?


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Deven Science
Posted 2010-12-16 4:35 AM (#2269 - in reply to #2263)
Subject: RE: Resource for Younger Readers

Uber User

Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California
For my son, I just introduced him to books that I loved when I was his age. I figure that even if there is a couple of things I'd rather he not read, obviously I read them then, and I'm fine, so he'll be fine, as well. With that method, the books I pushed in particular were:

The Hitchhicker's Guide books
The Catcher in the Rye (when he was more like 12 or 13)

Other than that, I just go by books actually written for youth, such as the Harry Potters, Lemony Snickets, etc.

I just use my past as the scale.
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Posted 2010-12-16 9:21 AM (#2270 - in reply to #2269)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA
why, all of julles verne would be great, mostly not sci-fi but great adventure stories i loved to read as a kid

amber series has very little adult content, nothing more than what a day-time tv already has to offer (afair)

hard-core sci-fi wise i can suggest asimov and simak and clark, some of their books however do imply sex but also nothing graphical (again afair)

wow, all the childhood memories swooped over me
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Posted 2010-12-16 3:31 PM (#2272 - in reply to #2263)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 207
The Hobbit
The Earthsea series

I read my first Moorcock at 13 (the elric novel sailor on the seas of fate), you may not find that appropriate but I certainly loved them at the time (and still do).

Hmm, those all look like fantasy not SF ....

Edited by htaccess 2010-12-16 3:33 PM
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Posted 2010-12-16 7:07 PM (#2273 - in reply to #2263)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 7
Sometimes asking the question can really crystallize the real thought. I have been looking for the IMDB like source since my daughter was eight. So I have been re-asking without updating the thoughts behind it. Last night I went to make a list of the concerns I might have, and it was pretty short.

Explicit sexual content, explicit personal violence, so no Necroscope/Brian Lumley for her. I still think the resource would be good for parents, but I am pretty close to being beyond the need.

She is blasting through the Harry Potters in just a few weeks each, so I better get the list done soon. Maybe Mote in Gods Eye, definitely Hitchhikers, and Dirk Gently.
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Posted 2011-01-08 8:11 PM (#2298 - in reply to #2273)
Subject: Re: Resource for Younger Readers


Posts: 207
I also recommend the works of particularly "The Weirdstone of Brisingamen" and "The Moon of Gomrath"
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