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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Reproductive System

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The Reproductive System

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Alternate Title: Mechasm
Author: John Sladek
Publisher: Avon, 1974
Ace Books, 1969
Gollancz, 1968
Series: SF Rediscovery: Book 3
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Wompler's Walking Babies once put Millford, Utah, on the map. But they aren't selling like they used to. In fact, they aren't selling at all and the only alternative to winding the company up is to tap the government for a research grant. And so Wompler Research Laboratories and Project 32 come into being. The plan is to produce self replicating mechanisms; identical cells equipped to repair intracellular breakdowns, convert power from their environment and create new cells. But suddenly the nondescript grey metal boxes start crawling about the laboratory, feeding voraciously on any metal... and multiplying at an alarming rate.


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