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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Wheels of If, and Other Science Fiction

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The Wheels of If, and Other Science Fiction

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Author: L. Sprague de Camp
Publisher: Berkley Medallion, 1970
Shasta Publishers, 1949

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Book Type: Collection
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Table of Contents:

The Wheels of If turned--and Allister Park spun from our own New York through a dizzying succession of alternate worlds to New Belfast... biggest city in the Bretwaldate of Vinland, the country that might have been if some historical crises had turned out the other way....

Park's frantic efforts to get back to his own if-world turn Vinland upside down--and create a marvelously inventive and entertaining classic of SF.

In addition to this famous novel, this collection includes "The Gnarly Man," "Hyperpelosity," and four other stories in the inimitable De Camp manner.


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